

Is AI the future of World healthcare Units?

 Artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced a post-pandemic boom. But what does this mean for its future use in healthcare? Will we be talking to robot doctors and nurses in the years to come? How will AI fit into the future of healthcare?

The use of AI in healthcare is increasingly important. While this isn't a new phenomenon, it is one of many healthcare trends accelerated by the pandemic.

In response to this acceleration, Health Education England (HEE) has published the first UK roadmap on using AI in the National Health Service (NHS). It found that there are 56 AI technologies scheduled for large-scale deployment in the next year, 77% of which will be used in secondary care.

Digital transformation is also a key area of focus identified in the NHS Long Terms Plan, whereby AI will act as a catalyst for change. This will involve greater use of technology like chatbots and virtual assistants to change the way services are delivered.

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